Sunday, April 17, 2011


Well i know this is suppose to be blogs related to English, bus honestly i don't have a lot of time to sit down and read a book. I really want to start reading books, and everybody tells me that right before bed is a great time to start reading. In the next few weeks i would like to head to a bookstore and purchase a book. the only problem is, that i don't know what type to purchase? When i was in high school, the only types of books i would ever consider were by Stephen King or Anne Rice. I really got into the vampire/horror type books, probably cause that's what i like to watch in movies. But know a days, I'm not sure if that's what I'm looking for in a book. I know i really like music so i was debating on a book written by or towards a musician or band. I'm not sure if this is what blogs are for, but does anybody have any suggestions? Maybe there is a series that's out that i could start?